turret punching

What are the Applications of Turret Stamping Services?

Metal fabrication services, such as turret punching, often work well for large projects. Also known as turret pressing, this metal forming service has multiple applications that make it frequently used by many businesses that produce metal parts and products. However, the initial startup costs and continued operation of the machinery make these types of services impossible to do in-house for many smaller companies. Let us at Cresco Commercial Metals help by providing you with metal pressing services for any applications you need without the overhead.

What Turret Punching Can Do

A metal turret press machine works by cutting and punching out various shapes in sheet metal. Despite typically using standard shapes for the tools in the press, these machines can create a wider variety of forms in the metal with expert use of the tools. The biggest benefit of a turret punch is its ability to quickly create the same types of shapes in large numbers for repeated designs or bulk orders.


Several industries frequently use the ability of a turret press to quickly produce shapes in sheet metal. The following are some common things this machine can create:

Machinery Parts 

A turret press works well for creating small metal parts for motorcycles, automobiles, agricultural equipment, and other machinery. The machinery does not heat the metal to create the cuts, allowing for the creation of small parts or using thin sheet metal for formation.


Metal steps can get slippery or retain water when wet. However, punching holes into the surfaces of the metal allows for water to drain off, creating safer steps for metal staircases. The fast operation of a turret punching machine is ideal for creating the holes needed for making metal stairs safer. 

Grilles or Panels

Grilles or panels, like steps, have ventilation holes in them for better airflow. Turret punching effectively forms these needed holes in the shapes and sizes required by the part.

Choose Cresco Commercial Metals for Your Turret Punching Services

Turret punching gets your job done relatively quickly compared to other metal fabrication services. However, you’ll only enjoy the speed of the service if you can get the products delivered back to your business in a timely manner. At Cresco Commercial Metals, we’re close by in Orange County, providing our customers with the fast turnaround times their businesses demand. Let us help you with any metal fabrication needs you have. Contact us to learn more about how we can help your business to get more done with less overhead.









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